Research Engineer in Model-Based Engineering for Safety Assurance of Medical Applications H/F

Vacancy details

General information


The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA) is a key player in research, development and innovation in four main areas :
• defence and security,
• nuclear energy (fission and fusion),
• technological research for industry,
• fundamental research in the physical sciences and life sciences.

Drawing on its widely acknowledged expertise, and thanks to its 16000 technicians, engineers, researchers and staff, the CEA actively participates in collaborative projects with a large number of academic and industrial partners.

The CEA is established in ten centers spread throughout France



Division description

The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA) is a public research organism. Major player in research, development and innovation, the CEA operates within the framework of its four missions:
• defense and security
• nuclear energy (fission and fusion)
• technological research for industry
• basic research (material sciences and life sciences).
With its 16,000 employees - technicians, engineers, researchers, and research support staff - the CEA participates in numerous collaborative projects

Description de l'unité

Within CEA, the CEA LIST/LSEA (Embedded and Autonomous Systems Design Laboratory) carries out research on methods, design principles and tools for the engineering of efficient and trustworthy embedded and autonomous systems.
The laboratory has a recognized expertise in the field of model-based design of safety-critical systems, and has initiated an upstream work for the mastery of advanced technologies of safe self-adaptation and integration of trustworthy autonomy in critical systems. The lab plays an important role in standardization groups like AUTOSAR in the automotive domain as well as in the OMG (Object Management Group) standardization body responsible for the UML, SysML and MARTE standards, and contributes to the Eclipse open source model-based development platform Papyrus (

Position description


Mathematics, information, scientific, software


Fixed-term contract

Job title

Research Engineer in Model-Based Engineering for Safety Assurance of Medical Applications H/F

Socio-professional category


Contract duration (months)


Job description

Medical technologies include products and services used to improve patients’ health, including medical devises, in vitro diagnostics and digital health. Such technologies are used to prevent, diagnose, treat and monitor conditions, as well as manage and support a healthier lifestyle. Although medical technologies can have a huge positive impact on a patient’s health, their incorrect operation may result in harmful consequences contributing or directly causing a bad diagnosis, bad recommendation, or offering wrong information to healthcare professionals.
The regulatory environment has recognized this, and there are regulations that require devices that may result in harm to undergo certification. The regulations lay out a set of requirements that devices will have to comply with. Ultimately complying with these requirements will result in evidence and justification that will provide sufficient assurance that the devices are acceptably safe. Traditionally, assurance of devices, has relied on predictability as well as a determinism of outcomes. In other words, that we can predict what may go wrong, and given a certain set of conditions, the technology will consistently behave in the same manner. However, new technologies challenge this principle, as they utilize data- driven innovations such as artificial intelligence, which are more obscure in their operation, and thus rendering traditional safety assurance methodologies ineffective.  LSEA aims to address this limitation by developing a safety assurance methodology and toolkit for software-intensive, AI-based medical technologies. A key component of the envisaged solution will include techniques and tools for generating, combining, and evaluating synthetic datasets, that can be used for assessing safety before the formal, established certification process, reducing the risk for developers and waste for regulatory bodies.To support this vision, LSEA offers a full-time research engineer position in the cross-cutting fields of model-based engineering, data engineering, and machine learning. The research engineer will be required to undertake some or all of the duties below:

·        To conduct research and to contribute to the production of research results in the areas of model-based engineering, data engineering, and machine learning.
·        To conduct individual and collaborative research including: development of technologies; analysis and interpretation of research data; use of appropriate research techniques and methods; writing up of research results and dissemination through publications, seminar and conference presentations and public engagement and outreach activities; contributing to the identification of possible new areas of research.
·        To undertake appropriate organisational and administrative activities connected to the research project.
·        To develop and initiate collaborative working internally and externally, duties to include: the building of internal contacts

Applicant Profile

Successful candidates must hold a Master’s, or a PhD (or be near completion) in systems or software engineering, model-based engineering, safety engineering, computer science or a closely related topic. We are mainly looking for highly motivated applicants with:

·    Expertise in the principles, tools, and processes for model-based engineering.

·    Background in data engineering.  

·    Background in safety assurance will be considered an advantage.

·    Self-learning and teamwork skills.

·    Strong technical programming skills. Practical experience with Eclipse IDE, Java, and Pyhton.

Position location



Job location

France, Ile-de-France, Essonne (91)



Candidate criteria


English (Intermediate)

Recommended training

Master's, or a PhD (or be near completion) in systems or software engineering


Position start date
